8 Ways To Grind
Athletes are great at working hard. We know that pushing ourselves on the court, track or weight room is the key to success. However, there are always ways we can work harder to move towards our goals. Here are 8 ways to grind harder today 1. Work Financials are one...

Weight Lifting, and Why I Finally Buy In
As a high jumper, my training consists of 4 main areas Jump technique Sprinting Strength training Plyometrics and explosiveness training Naturally, some of these are critical in a seven-foot high jump. Jump technique alone accounts for a massive portion of a jump,...
4 Thank You’s For Thanksgiving
Show me any successful businessman or athlete and I'll show you someone that had immense support from family, friends and mentors After celebrating two thanksgiving holidays this year, I recognized it was time to reflect on the past year. Track might be an individual...
5 Basics of Recovery
Many people know that recovery is important. So important in fact, that all growth and physical improvements occur during this stage of training. These 5 lessons are key to recovering from training. 1. Don't skip the cool down: This plays a huge part in the recovery...
Sleep Knowledge From Dan Pfaff
One of the main reasons I choose Altis (formerly World Athletic Center) was Dan Pfaff. A coach that has been around for some time (40 or so years), he knows what it takes to get to the top. Everyone knows this, thanks to feats like claiming silver AND gold in the...
Setting up an Ideal Workspace
After settling into my new Phoenix home, I came to realize something was missing. One of the biggest factors in Olympic preparations is going to be injury prevention. A major injury could set you back months, likely ruining the chances of jumping Olympic standard,...
Increasing Your Vertical
One question I get on a regular basis (especially on the basketball court) is how to increase your vertical. https://youtu.be/ka8CA8sdhNQ Now if I had to guess what my standing vertical was, considering an 8 foot reach and the ability to standing dunk a...
Definitive Guide to Oils
Somewhere between discussions about the oxidation of vegetable oils, the anti-inflammatory effects of polyphenols, and something about eicosanoids (huh?), I realized that a quick guide on oils was in order. One of the most important changes...
What makes success, In 23 Words
Successful people aren't defined by the big decisions they make. They succeed by building habits of tasks that unsuccessful people hate to do. Make lifting hard a habit Make consistency your #1 priority Learn self therapy and execute daily. 10 minutes a day, everyday...
Nationals is over, and How I’ll Jump 20cm higher at Olympic Trials
Nationals is over! After taking a week off to recharge and get away from track, it is time to reflect. I tied for 3rd, but got 4th because I had an extra miss. Talk about frustrating, as I lost out on 4 grand!! However, I didn't deserve it....